メモ:5/27~31に開催されたACSM(米国スポーツ医学会)の年次会議のプログラムがアブストラクト付きで全公開されてる。 http://t.co/p5FrcwvJxs
#ACSM2014 #ACSMAnnualMtg
— Steel City Runner (@scr_desu) 2014, 6月 2
ミズノウエーブユニバース4とエリクサー6ではREに統計的有意差が。レース用シューズは偉大!→ Effect of Racing Flats on Running Economy in Male Adolescent Runners. 3523 #ACSM2014
— Steel City Runner (@scr_desu) 2014, 6月 2
・ 「スニーカー走歴5年のランナーが初めてターサーで走った結果」
・ はじめてのレースシューズ!【番外編:試着して驚いたシューズ】・・・日本で製造中止になり、アメリカで独自の進化を遂げたエリクサー7が登場
ミニマリストシューズで怪我する人は、筋肉の量が足りてなくてプロネーション制御や着地衝撃吸収がうまくいってない可能性 →Muscle Size Differences After 10-week Minimalist Shoe Transition. 2231 #ACSM2014
— Steel City Runner (@scr_desu) 2014, 6月 2
シューズ対ビブラム対裸足で走力比較→Barefoot Versus Shod Versus Minimalist Shoe Effect on Performance during a Maximal Treadmill Running Test, 3525 #ACSM2014
— Steel City Runner (@scr_desu) 2014, 6月 2
足底刺激は路面によっては動的姿勢制御能力に影響する。では裸足ランは?影響しない→Effects of Habitual Run Training in a Barefoot Condition on Dynamic Postural Control. 1531 #ACSM2014
— Steel City Runner (@scr_desu) 2014, 6月 2
ケニア人速いのはREがすごいからという説をやんわり否定。→Dissociation between Running Economy and Running Performance in elite Kenyan Distance Runners, 2698@ACSM2014
— Steel City Runner (@scr_desu) 2014, 6月 2
REは1kmを走るのに必要な酸素の量 [ml/kg/km]を表します。ケニア人エリートランナーで190あたりだそうですが、中には150ぐらいの人もいるそうで、個人差大きいですね。VO2max [ml/kg/min]はここまでばらつかないはず。東アフリカ勢が突出して強い理由を探った記事、良い資料があるので書きたいと思いつつ、下書きのまま半年放置中です…。
おもり付きベスト着てウォームアップでRE向上!?→Warm-up with a Weighted Vest Improves Running Performance via Leg Stiffness and Running Economy, 3528 #ACSM2014
— Steel City Runner (@scr_desu) 2014, 6月 2
同性の他人と走る時、男性は普段よりペースが上がり女性は下がる→Gender Differences in the Effect of Peer Influence on Outdoor Running in Recreational Runners. 1735 #ACSM2014
— Steel City Runner (@scr_desu) 2014, 6月 2
セルフペースで走った時に、女性のほうが男性より時間が経つのをゆっくり感じる傾向があった。→Sex Differences in Time Perception During Self-Paced Running. 2267 #ACSM2014
— Steel City Runner (@scr_desu) 2014, 6月 2
音楽のテンポはランにあまり影響しないという研究。今までの研究と若干矛盾するようで気になる→Music Playlist Tempo And Self-Paced Running, Mood, And Attentional Focus, 3514 #ACSM2014
— Steel City Runner (@scr_desu) 2014, 6月 2
音楽テンポとジャンルが影響するっていう研究を取り上げた記事が書きかけになったまま半年放置されてるんですが(笑)、そこで私が個人的に感じてるランに合う音楽の条件としても、テンポ(の倍数)とケイデンスが合っている曲というのがあります。Jamiroquai - Virtual Insanity、Aerosmith - Love in an Elevator、Metallica - That Was Just Your Lifeなど。
加圧トレーニング(?)がランニングエコノミー改善に繋がるか。結論:筋肥大にはつながるがRE・有酸素能力向上ならず。→Blood Flow Restriction Walking Training Influences Running Economy?1202 #ACSM2014
— Steel City Runner (@scr_desu) 2014, 6月 2
坂道下りランが怪我リスクの指標値に影響するか?意外にしない→Downhill Running-induced Fatigue Does Not Impair The Hamstring/quadriceps Ratio. 2981 #ACSM2014
— Steel City Runner (@scr_desu) 2014, 6月 2
足首の安定性がウルトラマラソンのパフォーマンスに影響 → Factors Affecting Energy Cost Of Running During An Ultra-endurance Race. 3527 #ACSM2014
— Steel City Runner (@scr_desu) 2014, 6月 2
フットストライクパターンの分布はレース後半になると変わるか?あまり変わらない→Foot Strike and Impact Over an Entire Trail Running Race: A Simple Field Method. 2987 #ACSM2014
— Steel City Runner (@scr_desu) 2014, 6月 2
トレミと屋外を走るのでは、屋外のほうが着地準備と推進力に筋動員力が必要→Neuromuscular Control Of Running: Overground Vs Treadmill. 2975 #ACSM2014
— Steel City Runner (@scr_desu) 2014, 6月 2
年をとった人はランニングをすると歩きの経済性も改善できる(=より疲れず長く歩けるように)。→Running Improves the Economy of Walking Among Older Adults. 2075. #ACSM2014
— Steel City Runner (@scr_desu) 2014, 6月 2
- 383 - Effects Of Whey, Casein, Or Milk Protein Ingestion On Muscle Protein Synthesis After Endurance Exercise
- 結論: "It is concluded that milk protein is a ideal protein source that combines the characteristic effects of whey and casein on muscle protein synthesis after endurance exercise."
- コメント:長距離とプロテインの研究は探してもなかなか見つからないので、これは超貴重!ただしプロテイン商品を作っている明治の研究者の発表という点は差し引いて考える必要あり。
- 380 - Anti-fatigue Effects Of Long-term Supplementation With Soy Protein Bar In College Sports Teams
- 結論: "soy protein bar may have potential as an anti-fatigue supplements."
- 172 - Cycling Performance is Not Enhanced by Either Whey Protein or L-Alanine Intake During Prolonged Exercise
- 結論: "the ingestion of PRO or ALA alone did not enhance performance during prolonged cycling."
- 前か後でなく、競技中にプロテインが役立つかの話
- 378 - Effect of Whey Protein in Carbohydrate-Electrolyte Solutions On Post-Exercise Rehydration
- 結論: "During a 4 hour recovery after the 60 min run, the CE solution with medium or high whey protein was more effective for rehydration when compared to the CE or CE with low whey protein."
- 練習後のプロテインとハイドレーション。
- 613 - Aerobic Exercise Improves Cardiovascular Disease Risk, According to Aerobic Center Longitudinal Study Cardiorespiratory Fitness Values
- 結論: " Improvements in CRF consequent to participation in relatively short-term exercise aerobic substantially reduces CVD risk according to ACLS CRF values."
- 短期間の有酸素運動でも心肺体力を上げると心血管疾患のリスクが激減する
- 805 - Aerobic Fitness Enhances Working Memory in Older Adults
- 結論: "Independent of age, PA and body composition, older adults with higher AF had better working memory performances, in terms of reaction times, compared to those with lower AF"
- 70歳前後の人は有酸素運動によってワーキングメモリが向上
- 2746 - Creatine And Caffeine Associated Improve Performance In Runners Without Increase In Total Body Weight.
- 結論: "creatine supplementation works sinergistically with acute ingestion of caffeine improving running performance."
- 423 - Does Caffeine Consumption Induce Higher Physical Activity In Sedentary People Undergoing An Exercise Intervention?
- 結論: "Subjects drinking the equivalent of 2 cups of coffee per day or more (i.e. caffeine intake>1.5 g/wk) were able to increase twice more their level of MVPA for a 1-year period compared to subjects having lower caffeine consumption."
- 40-65歳の人のカフェイン摂取と運動。N=247、一年がかりの大規模実験。
- 2748 - The Effect Of Caffeine Supplementation On Olympic Distance Triathletes And Triathlon Performance in South Africa
- 結論: "Caffeine enhanced triathlon performance, but the field effect was not as pronounced as seen in previous laboratory trials."
- オリンピック選手(トライスロン)へのカフェイン効果
- 1787 - Deep Ocean Minerals Supplementation Enhances Body Rehydration Status Following Exercise-induced Dehydration
- 結論: "Our results demonstrated that provision of deep ocean minerals can increase recovery status following intense exercise, suggesting that deep ocean minerals supplementation is effective to promote rehydration status."
- 海洋深層水とプラセボ(水)の給水効果比較。普通のミネラルウォーターとも比べてない理由がよくわからない。N=8。
- 1809 - Thirst Perception Tracks Progressive Dehydration During Exercise In The Heat
- 結論: "When our subjects were not allowed to drink, progressive dehydration had a strong association with thirst perception."
- 951 - Effects Of Plyometric and Endurance Training On Aerobic and Anaerobic Power.
- 結論: Plyometric training is an effective means by which to enhance indices of aerobic and anaerobic fitness.
- 2705 - Improved Economy and Acceleration Profiles Among High School Runners Following Eight Weeks of Plyometric Training
- 結論:"8 weeks of plyometric training resulted in improved running economy"
- 3395 - The Influence Of Altitude On Aerobic Performance In Peruvian Children And Adolescents
- 結論: "The advantage of living at high altitude in Peru appears to benefit children’s endurance performance both before and even after controlling for differences in body size, age and maturation."
- 690 - Association Between Actn3 R577x Genotype And Elite Japanese Truck And Field Athlete Status
- 結論: "ACTN3 R577X genotype was associated with elite Japanese power/sprint athlete status in Asian cohort."
- 科学的トレーニングで知っておきたいこと 前編、中編、後編
研究成果は鵜呑みにしないように注意! - なぜ運動前の静的ストレッチは逆効果なのか?
- ACSM2014 オフィシャルプログラム
- ACSM2013 オフィシャルプログラム(PDF)
- The Science of Running - Research Galore!- Summary of 2013 ACSM research